Rooftop Solar Panels vs. Ground-Mounted Solar Panels

When considering whether to install solar, homeowners and businesses are faced with a fundamental question: Should I install rooftop solar panels or ground-mounted solar panels. Sometimes the choice between rooftop or ground-mounted solar panels is obvious, such as if a homeowner has no land to install ground-mounted solar or their rooftop has too much shade […]

What Is Solar Net Metering In Oregon?

Net metering is a powerful tool for Oregon residents to control their energy usage and save tons on their monthly utility bills. Net metering is also an important term Oregon homeowners and businesses need to know when thinking of installing solar. But what is net metering, and how does net metering work? WHAT IS SOLAR […]

How To Pay For Your Home Solar Panel System

When it comes to paying for your solar panels, most homeowners take one of two routes: pay cash or take out a solar loan. Both payment options have their positives and negatives, but how do you know which payment option is right for you? Let’s take a look at the difference between paying cash for […]